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Culver City IRS Offer in Compromise

A tax professional holding receipts and a working to get a client an offer in compromise.

Living in Culver City offers a vibrant lifestyle, but it also comes with its share of financial obligations. Unfortunately, unexpected expenses or fluctuations in income can sometimes lead to falling behind on tax payments.

Tax debt can snowball quickly, accumulating interest and penalties that make it even harder to catch up. With essential services like healthcare and education depending on tax revenue, the IRS takes collection efforts seriously, which can add stress and strain to your finances.

There is hope, however: an Offer in Compromise (OIC) is a program offered by the IRS that allows for the settlement of your tax debt for a lump sum payment significantly lower than the total amount owed. Qualifying for and securing an OIC can be a complex process, but the relief it offers can be life-changing.

This is where Instant Tax Solutions steps in. Our team of experienced tax professionals has a proven track record of helping Culver City residents navigate the intricacies of the OIC program.

We understand the challenges you face and are dedicated to guiding you through every step of the process, maximizing your chances of a successful outcome.

Do I Need Culver City Offer in Compromise Help?

An IRS Offer in Compromise can significantly benefit several parties and groups in Culver City. If you fall into one of these groups, you might be someone who stands to gain through an OIC:

Individuals With Tax Debt

  • Taxpayers in Financial Hardship: This is the primary beneficiary. An OIC allows them to settle their tax debt for a lower amount than what they originally owed. This can be a lifesaver for those struggling to pay due to job loss, illness, or other financial setbacks.
  • People Facing Collection Actions: If the IRS has levied your wages or bank account or placed liens on your property, an OIC can halt these actions. Settling the debt allows you to regain control of your finances.
  • Those with Doubtful or Uncollectible Taxes: The IRS may accept an OIC if they believe the full amount is unlikely to be collected. This can apply to situations where you have limited assets or income.

Businesses in Culver City

  • Small Businesses Facing Tax Issues: Similar to individuals, small businesses can use an OIC to resolve tax debt and avoid penalties and potential closure. This can help them stay afloat and continue contributing to the local economy.
  • Business Owners with Personal Guarantees: If a business owner has personally guaranteed a business loan and the company defaults on taxes, they can be held personally liable. An OIC for the business debt can protect the owner’s personal assets.

Struggling Communities

  • Increased Economic Activity: When individuals and businesses are freed from the burden of tax debt, they’re more likely to spend and invest, stimulating the local economy.
  • Reduced Strain on Social Services: Financial hardship due to tax debt can lead to reliance on social services. An OIC can help people become financially stable, reducing the strain on these programs.

IRS Offers in Compromise Explained

An IRS offer in compromise, also known as a settlement agreement, is a program that allows taxpayers to settle their outstanding tax debt for an amount less than what they originally owed. It’s essentially a way to negotiate a lower amount with the IRS.

Here’s a breakdown of the key points about an OIC:


  • Not everyone qualifies. The IRS generally won’t accept an OIC if you can pay your tax debt in full through an installment agreement or other means.
  • The IRS considers your income, ability to pay, expenses, and asset equity when evaluating an OIC application.
  • There are two main reasons why the IRS may accept your offer:
    • Doubt as to Liability: There’s a genuine disagreement regarding the existence or amount of the tax debt you owe.
    • Doubt as to Collectibility: The IRS determines they won’t be able to collect the full amount you owe even if they pursue all collection efforts. This is usually because your assets and income are insufficient to cover the full liability.


  1. You’ll need to file Form 656, Offer in Compromise, along with a filing fee and an initial payment. The initial payment can be a lump sum or part of a monthly payment plan. There’s a specific format for the application and required documents, so be sure to follow the IRS instructions carefully.
  2. The IRS uses a formula to determine your “reasonable collection potential” (RCP), which is the estimated amount they believe they can realistically collect from you over time. They will weigh your offer against this RCP.
  3. There are two options for paying the accepted settlement amount:
    1. Lump sum within five months of your offer being accepted.
    2. Monthly payments over a 24-month period.

Applying for an OIC generally pauses IRS collection efforts while your application is being processed. If your offer is accepted, you’ll typically need to waive your right to challenge the tax liability in court.

Consider exploring all other payment options with the IRS before applying for an OIC, as it’s not always guaranteed to be accepted. A tax professional from Instant Tax Solutions will help you determine if an OIC is the best course of action for you.

You can use the IRS Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier tool to get a preliminary idea of whether you may be eligible and what amount the IRS might be willing to settle for. However, this is just an estimate, and the final decision will depend on your completed application and the IRS’s assessment.

How to Secure a Fair Culver City OIC Agreement

Securing a fair OIC agreement requires careful preparation, understanding IRS criteria, and potentially seeking professional help. Here’s what you can do to get the most out of the process:

Establish Your Eligibility

The core requirement is demonstrating that you can’t pay your full tax debt along with your living expenses in a reasonable timeframe (typically through an installment agreement). The IRS needs to believe they can’t collect the full amount owed through traditional means like wage garnishment or asset seizure.

Here’s how you can accomplish this:

  • Collect proof of income: Paystubs, tax returns for the past few years, W-2s, and 1099s.
  • Document your essential expenses: Rent/mortgage receipts, utility bills, car payments, food costs, and healthcare costs (with evidence like prescriptions).
  • Show your assets: Bank statements, retirement account statements, and details on any owned property (including cars).

Remember that an OIC is not a way to escape any taxes you might owe. In order to increase your odds of success, you need to show that you are filing in good faith.

Make any possible payments towards your tax debt, even small amounts. Explain extenuating circumstances that caused the tax debt (unexpected medical bills, job loss, etc.).

Prepare a Strong OIC Package

Use Form 433-A (“Offer in Compromise”) to calculate a proposed settlement amount. This should be based on your Reasonable Collection Potential (RCP), which is the estimated amount the IRS can realistically collect from you, considering your assets and future income.

Tools like the IRS online OIC calculator can be a starting point, but a tax professional can provide a more accurate assessment.

Attach documents that substantiate your financial hardship and inability to pay the full amount. This could include bank statements, bills, and proof of extenuating circumstances causing the tax debt (e.g., medical bills, job loss).

The more documentation, the stronger your case.

Negotiating With the IRS

Eventually, you will have to bring your package up to the IRS. Expect scrutiny at this point, as the IRS will meticulously examine your OIC package.

They might request additional documentation to verify your financial hardship or the value of your assets. Be prepared to promptly submit any requested information to avoid delays.

Also, note that the IRS may not accept your initial offer. They might propose a counteroffer for a higher settlement amount or a longer payment plan., which is where negotiation comes in.

Here are some tips for your negotiation:

  • Know Your Numbers: Be thoroughly familiar with your financial situation. Gather documents that prove your income, expenses, and asset values. This will help you justify your offer and negotiate effectively.
  • Focus on Hardship: The core of your negotiation should be the financial hardship paying the full amount would cause. Demonstrate how it would leave you unable to meet basic living expenses (or maintain your business if the goal is to keep a company afloat).
  • Highlight Offer Advantages: Explain why your offer benefits the IRS. Emphasize that it represents the most the IRS can realistically collect within a reasonable timeframe.

Of course, while these bits of advice make sense, knowing how to apply them is a different beast altogether. Having professional representation on your side might help you in this regard.

Working With a Tax Expert

Tax attorneys and enrolled agents specializing in OICs possess in-depth knowledge of the program’s intricacies. They can guide you through the complex process, identify potential issues, and ensure your application is strong.

Professionals have experience negotiating with the IRS and understand their counteroffer strategies. They can effectively represent your case and argue for a favorable settlement.

Additional Considerations

  • Be Professional and Courteous: Maintain a respectful and cooperative demeanor throughout the negotiation process. This fosters a more positive environment and increases your chances of a successful outcome.
  • Stay Organized: Keep all documents related to your OIC and communication with the IRS meticulously organized. This will expedite the process and ensure you have everything readily available if needed.
  • Be Prepared to Walk Away: While reaching a settlement is ideal, don’t feel pressured to accept an offer that creates undue hardship. If the IRS’s counteroffer is unreasonable, be prepared to walk away and explore other options, such as an installment agreement.

Remember, negotiation is a key part of the OIC process. By understanding the IRS’s perspective, presenting a well-supported case, and potentially seeking professional help, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful outcome and resolve your tax debt for a manageable amount.

Culver City Doubt as to Collectibility

Doubt as to collectibility (DTC) refers to a situation where the IRS questions its ability to collect the full amount of taxes owed by a taxpayer. This is distinct from doubt as to liability (DATL), which focuses on whether the taxpayer actually owes the tax debt in the first place.

What It Means

DTC means that the IRS has determined that even if they use all their legal means to collect the tax debt, they might not be able to recover the full amount. This could be due to various factors like the taxpayer’s financial hardship, lack of assets, or inability to earn income.

If the IRS believes there’s DTC, it might explore alternative solutions to recover as much of the tax debt as possible. This could involve offering an Installment Agreement, which allows the taxpayer to pay the debt in manageable monthly installments over a specific period, or, as previously discussed, considering an offer in compromise.

Factors Considered by the IRS for DTC

  • Taxpayer’s income and assets: The IRS will assess the taxpayer’s current and future earning potential, along with their ownership of assets like property or vehicles.
  • Employment status: If the taxpayer is unemployed or underemployed, their ability to repay becomes questionable.
  • Past collection efforts: The IRS will consider any previous attempts to collect the debt and the results of those efforts.
  • Future income potential: The IRS might evaluate the taxpayer’s future earning prospects based on their skills, education, and job market trends.

Secure Your Offer in Compromise With the Help of Instant Tax Solutions

Tax debt can feel overwhelming, and Culver City residents are no exception. An Offer in Compromise with the IRS can provide much-needed relief, settling your tax debt for a lump sum payment significantly lower than what you owe.

However, navigating the OIC application process and convincing the IRS to accept your offer is a complex challenge.

Here at Instant Tax Solutions, we understand the intricacies of tax law and have a proven track record of successfully guiding Culver City residents through the OIC process. Our team of tax experts will meticulously analyze your financial situation, craft a compelling OIC proposal, and handle all communication with the IRS or FTB on your behalf.

With Instant Tax Solutions by your side, you’ll increase your chances of achieving a favorable OIC outcome and finally resolving your tax burden.

Don’t let tax debt hold you back any longer; call Instant Tax Solutions today at (800) 900-8055 for a free consultation.

Un-Edited Client Reviews

Linda C.
"The entire staff was very helpful and courteous through the process with no gimmicks."

The experience was a painless one with no hassles of hoops to jump. I had a debt of $16,000.00 and ended up paying $1,700.00. They handled everything from start to end with a very positive resolution. The entire staff was very helpful and courteous through the process with no gimmicks. Keep on with the GREAT work.

Kurtis and Jennifer S.
"They truly are the best in the business at getting people out of Tax troubles"

I just want to say what outstanding service I received from Instant Tax Solutions. They helped us through a very hard time in our lives when we needed it most. We can’t thank them enough for all their hard work and dedication. They truly are the best in the business at getting people out of Tax troubles, and we would refer them to anyone that are having hard times and in need of help from the IRS.

Aaron F.
"...made me feel comfortable working with them. A burden has been lifted from my shoulders."

I had ten years of taxes I hadn’t filed. I was really nervous and didn’t know what to do. I checked the IRS website for tips on selecting a company. Instant Tax Solutions had a good rating and made me feel comfortable working with them. A burden has been lifted from my shoulders. Thank you Instant Tax Solutions!

Kathleen R.
"I called Instant Tax Solutions and within 3 days my levy was released"

I had a very serious tax problem, I was basically looking at the end of my life as I knew it. I called Instant Tax Solutions and within 3 days my levy was released and the monthly installment agreement was far better then I could have ever hoped for.

Joseph H.
"When all was said and done, they saved me over $100,000."

I owed the IRS $160,000 in back taxes. I had a wage garnishment and my case was assigned to a Revenue Officer. I did not know what to do. Instant Tax Solutions was able to get my garnishment before my next paycheck. When all was said and done, they saved me over $100,000.

Debbie and Dennis S.
"...but your confidence and expert advise eased that feeling"

I’ll admit I was a little reluctant because I didn’t know anything about Instant Tax Solutions, but your confidence and expert advise eased that feeling. Within 24 hours of retaining your services and giving you the requested information my wife’s wage garnishment had been STOPPED. What a relief!

Stephen N.
"ITS was quick to respond and resolve my issues."

Great operation. Professional, knowledgeable and accommodating. Couldn’t have imagined a better experience, considering the situation. ITS was quick to respond and resolve my issues.

Kelly & Howard T.
"I would highly recommend them to anyone that needs help!"

I called to discuss some serious tax issues and from my very first phone call, this team was terrific. They were courteous, professional and quick to deliver. Instant Tax Solutions far-exceeded any expectations that I had. They turned our situation around very quickly. I would highly recommend them to anyone that needs help with the IRS.

Armando & Sofia M.
"Within 48 hours of contacting ITS, the levy was released..."

I received an IRS notice of a levy on my wages. Boy, was I scared. Within 48 hours of contacting ITS, the levy was released and now ITS is helping me to get caught up on unfiled returns. Thank you ITS!

Marcia and John K
" guys were simply great! Can't thank you enough."

This was the free consultation! Instant Tax Solutions spent over half an hour with me during my consultation. I was so impressed that my husband and I decided to sign immediately. From filing my back tax returns to settling my debt to the IRS and state of California, you guys were simply great! Can’t thank you enough. You guys are doing my taxes next year for sure!
