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Los Angeles IRS Wage Garnishment Help

When you owe money to the IRS, they will take aggressive action to force you to pay in full.  If you have delayed filing your tax return(s) or have an outstanding balance from a previous return, you are in danger of having your wages garnished. You can file an IRS extension to get more time to file your return. However, if you know you are unable to pay your tax obligation in full, you should seek help to negotiate wage garnishment relief with the IRS.  Instant Tax Solutions (ITS) will take control of your liability and expedite it to resolution.

What is an IRS Wage Garnishment?

It is a judgment against you requiring your employer to legally withhold money from your wages for tax debt payment.  This is an effective process used by the IRS to enforce taxpayer compliance.

Before the IRS can attach one of these, the following criteria must be met:

Once the IRS completes these actions, you will be facing a portion of your wages being taken before you even see them. You do not have to actually receive the notice for it to be legal. The IRS is required only to send it via certified mail to your last known address.  Many taxpayers may not be aware until it actually happens.

Avoid Becoming a Victim

Instant Tax Solutions has successfully represented countless victims of these types of situations. You need ITS to negotiate with the IRS for wage garnishment relief, to protect you from escalating fines and penalties and, perhaps, loss of assets.

Once you receive information about the money being taken from you, it is imperative you contact ITS for tax garnishment help.  You must be prepared to provide all your financial records and past tax information.  If you do not have this information, we will get it for you.  After reviewing your financial situation, ITS tax professionals will determine your eligibility for wage garnishment relief with the IRS.

Know Your Rights

Instant Tax Solutions will contact the IRS on your behalf to discuss your wage garnishment relief options in person.   Using our tax law knowledge and experience with the IRS, we can delay the proceedings.  You will be protected from excessive amounts being drawn from your paycheck.  If necessary, we will file an appeal if any of the following has occurred:

  • You have paid your overdue taxes prior to the withdrawal taking effect
  • You are filing for bankruptcy during the assessment and notice period
  • An IRS error has occurred
  • The Statute of Limitations has expired
  • You did not have the chance to dispute supposed liability
  • You request a chance to discuss options relating to collection action
  • You want to defend your spouse

Once your appeal hearing is concluded, we will be notified of the status within 30 days.  At that time, we will fully explain your rights helping you understand your wage garnishment relief options.

IRS vs independent creditor

An IRS wage garnishment is very different than one by an independent creditor. The IRS can seize property, assets and income. If you are facing one from the IRS, it is extremely important to contact them as soon as possible to discuss the outstanding debt. Hiring the services of a qualified company to represent your rights is a must. Once your income is taken, your assets can be seized and put up for sale at a public auction. Any amount collected will be utilized for the payment of your balance.

Bank Levies / Seizures and how to Avoid Them

Bank Account LevyHaving a bank levy from the federal government or state agencies placed against you can paralyze your finances. A bank levy may occur if you do not to pay your income taxes or have an outstanding balance from past tax seasons. It is important to act quickly if you are unable to pay your taxes in full. The IRS or state authorities will aggressively pursue full payment from you, including seizing income or your bank account.

If you are financially unable to pay your taxes, it is imperative to hire a qualified tax firm to contact the IRS on your behalf before adverse action begins. A knowledgeable firm will advise you of your rights and what to do to avoid having any judgments taken out against you.

What can they legally do regarding my bank accounts?

It is completely legal for the IRS to proceed with taking money from your bank account, and freezing your assets until full payment is received. They are not required by law to inform you of this action prior to the judgment. There are a few options that we can talk about that could potentially stop this type of seizure:

Because most people are intimidated by the IRS, they delay resolution putting them at greater financial risk. You need a tax professional to represent you. There will be missed opportunities and increased expense if you attempt to deal with the IRS by yourself. Your credit and assets will be protected!

How can I get my money back?

The bank garnishment can be placed on any type of bank account whether it is savings or checking. The seized money in the account is frozen by the government and confiscated to pay off the outstanding tax debt. If adequate funds are not available, the bank account is put into suspension until the remaining balance is paid. Funds exempt from one of these are:

  • Child support
  • Disability payments
  • Social Security payments
  • Veterans pension

All other funds in the account are up for grabs. It is common practice for the IRS or state agencies to collect outstanding tax debts via the bank account seizure process. Under most state laws, if you disagree with this, you can file for a notice to contest the seizure. Without the help of a tax attorney you can miss the 30-day deadline to contest.

Your rights and resolution

Any outstanding monetary transactions made prior to the bank garnishment are not valid and will not be honored. Your bank is required to return them for “Frozen Account” or “Non-sufficient Funds”. When anyone tries to garnish your bank account without your knowledge the bank fees snowball and your financial integrity declines. To protect yourself before your bank account is levied, please give us a call to discuss what options you have.

How to Prepare for Battling One

Before going up against the government to try and have your penalty released, here are a few pieces of information that your representative will need to have:

  • A power of attorney form
  • Personal information
  • Monthly personal/household/business expense report
  • Any credit card information
  • A payment authorization form
  • A copy of the notice of seizure if there is one
  • A copy of your most recent paychecks with year-to-date earnings included and any bank
  • account information.

Once you have provided your tax specialist with the information stated above, then they can begin to converse with the IRS on your behalf.

By forwarding this information in its entirety, you will allow your specialist to begin working on your case. Any omission of information can and will result in a delay and time is money in any instance involving the IRS.

Failure to comply and be forthcoming is only going to result in delays on both ends and will prolong your release being processed. There is some other information you must provide in the event it is needed and this may be a copy of a divorce decree (if applicable), proof of paying child support and the amount being paid (usually three months records is all that is required), medical expenses if they exceed a certain amount, as well as any other information needed to verify validity of monthly expenses.

How to Avoid a Potential IRS Wage Garnishment

Avoid Having Your Wages TakenThere are many effective actions you can take to avoid having an IRS wage garnishment placed on your accounts. Delaying action or ignoring the letters and notices they send is the worst thing you can do. To avoid irreparable damage to your credit and financial integrity, it is extremely important to do your best to pay your tax bills on time. If you are financially unable to meet your obligations, it is imperative that your creditors are contacted to make alternate arrangements.

Pay immediate attention to the notices and letter

You will receive prior IRS notices of intent informing you of the amount you owe possible options for resolution, and the time limit in which you must respond before the action occurs. If you ignore this notice and fail to respond, the government will quickly take action to seize your income.

Once you begin to receive IRS collection letters, you become subject to a potential seizure. You have the right to request a hearing on this matter. At this hearing, evidence will be presented by both sides and a judge will determine the amount of your wages to be taken. Considering your taxable income and number of dependents, you can expect to have a significant portion of your paychecks garnished until the amount is paid off.

What you do not know can affect your future

If you intend to buy a home or go to college at some point in the future, your credit rating should be of the utmost importance. Having an IRS wage garnishment will affect your ability to secure loans to finance your dreams. It will hamper your ability to support yourself and will attach a stigma that will follow you everywhere. It is difficult to recover financially with a history with one of these in it.

Saving time and money

Hiring a tax attorney is a prudent investment. When you handle tax problems alone and unprepared, it opens the door to escalating penalties and fines. You should not delay until your income being taken becomes a reality.

What can I do before my wages are taken?

If you have exhausted all the avenues available and you find an IRS wage garnishment is pending against you, then it is a smart decision to enlist the assistance of a tax specialist. There are many different types of IRS wage garnishments, and if you are unfamiliar with your rights and responsibilities then you may find turning to a tax specialist is a good alternative than trying to go it alone. You will find that you can get much further having an educated advocate on your side and this will save you time, money and countless hours of frustration.

How to Get an IRS Wage Garnishment Released

If you have had an IRS wage garnishment placed on your income or accounts, the best course of action you can possibly take is to get in contact with us to know what your wage garnishment relief options are. This is an area of law that we are well versed in, and work with every single day, so really know how to approach an issue like this.

Taking Care of It Yourself

Many people are tempted to try and take care of it themselves, which is completely possible if you know what you are doing. Just like you can re-wire and re-plumb your house by yourself, tax problems can be taken care of by any individual. But if you want your problem handled by someone with some experience who will handle things right, you will want to get in contact with us. We will do the job right the first time, and get you the IRS wage garnishment help you need.

You do not have to face the stigma and embarrassment

These types of penalties are quite common and will continue until the entire debt has been repaid to the creditor. They can have a very profound effect on your future and can prohibit you from obtaining loans for a home or college, opening a bank account, as well as the damage done to your reputation and the embarrassment and stigma that are attached.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What happens if I have a refund coming?

In the event you are owed a refund this year, the amount will be seized and applied to the remaining balance of the prior tax season.

Everyone has faced financial hardships, but you do not have to deal with it alone. You need not suffer the aggressive and intimidating tactics of the IRS. It is imperative to have a knowledgeable tax attorney protecting your best interests.

How much money can they take from me?

Federal laws require that only a certain amount of income may be withheld in a certain pay period. The figures set up are as follows:

  • A percentage of the employees after tax income or the amount by which the after tax income is thirty times more than the federal minimum wage
  • Minimum wage standards vary state by state and the weekly amount cannot go over these two figures.

This figure is based upon a person who receives a weekly pay check, however, if you are paid bi-weekly or monthly, then the amount will be recalculated and based upon that information.

Can I contest it or do I have to accept it?

As with any federal laws, there are exceptions as to what income is taxable or not and you have rights to contest withholding of certain types of income. This income is as follows but not limited to the following: child support, veterans pay, government pension payments, unemployment benefits, public aid, funds in a community or joint account shared with others including a spouse, and various other types of income provided to you by the state. In order to protect this income from being taken, you will need to consult with a tax professional and have them file a document with the courts within 28 days of receiving your IRS wage garnishment notice.

What else can the IRS do besides take payroll wages?

It is important to note that if you owe money to the IRS, you need to do the best you can to settle it; otherwise the IRS may garnish your wages or levy your bank account. Federal laws not only protect you as a consumer, but also protect the IRS and state agencies. You may be able to avoid legal action being taken by contacting the IRS and working with them to come to some type of agreement, thus avoiding IRS wage garnishments or bank levies altogether. It should be noted that the IRS has a limited amount of time to collect an outstanding tax debt. Certain taxpayer actions may extent the statute of limitations and allow the IRS more time to collect. You must be aware the IRS will continue to seek withholdings until the debt is paid in full. There are no laws around that are going to protect you if you run and try to hide from the IRS, so it’s best to face it head on and be prepared.

What if I have outstanding income tax debt?

If you have failed to file additional income taxes in the recent past, this will also need to be addressed by your tax specialist. This information is also relevant to your IRS wage garnishment relief and is detrimental to your situation. Your tax specialist will assist you in getting the appropriate returns and forms filed in a timely manner. This will allow your tax professional to proceed with your release, without this being done you cannot move forward. There are some tax specialists who only deal with the processing of wage garnishment relief and they can prove invaluable to you when dealing with the IRS in these matters.

What happens to my credit rating if my wages are seized?

Chances are that if your wages are seized by the government, your credit rating will go down. Not only does your outstanding debt amount go up, but with a negative event like this on your record, credit agencies definitely dock points on your credit rating.

How can I prevent my credit from being ruined?

It matters which avenue you pursue when trying to come to a wage garnishment relief solution to your tax problem. With the combined penalties and interest added to your outstanding balance, you will find yourself drowning in a sea of debt. Many taxpayers delay seeking IRS wage garnishment help until it is too late. Protect your financial future and hire a tax professional to help you stop an IRS wage levy. In most cases, your problems can be resolved with little difficulty. Your peace of mind will be restored.

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Un-Edited Client Reviews

Linda C.
"The entire staff was very helpful and courteous through the process with no gimmicks."

The experience was a painless one with no hassles of hoops to jump. I had a debt of $16,000.00 and ended up paying $1,700.00. They handled everything from start to end with a very positive resolution. The entire staff was very helpful and courteous through the process with no gimmicks. Keep on with the GREAT work.

Kurtis and Jennifer S.
"They truly are the best in the business at getting people out of Tax troubles"

I just want to say what outstanding service I received from Instant Tax Solutions. They helped us through a very hard time in our lives when we needed it most. We can’t thank them enough for all their hard work and dedication. They truly are the best in the business at getting people out of Tax troubles, and we would refer them to anyone that are having hard times and in need of help from the IRS.

Aaron F.
"...made me feel comfortable working with them. A burden has been lifted from my shoulders."

I had ten years of taxes I hadn’t filed. I was really nervous and didn’t know what to do. I checked the IRS website for tips on selecting a company. Instant Tax Solutions had a good rating and made me feel comfortable working with them. A burden has been lifted from my shoulders. Thank you Instant Tax Solutions!

Kathleen R.
"I called Instant Tax Solutions and within 3 days my levy was released"

I had a very serious tax problem, I was basically looking at the end of my life as I knew it. I called Instant Tax Solutions and within 3 days my levy was released and the monthly installment agreement was far better then I could have ever hoped for.

Joseph H.
"When all was said and done, they saved me over $100,000."

I owed the IRS $160,000 in back taxes. I had a wage garnishment and my case was assigned to a Revenue Officer. I did not know what to do. Instant Tax Solutions was able to get my garnishment before my next paycheck. When all was said and done, they saved me over $100,000.

Debbie and Dennis S.
"...but your confidence and expert advise eased that feeling"

I’ll admit I was a little reluctant because I didn’t know anything about Instant Tax Solutions, but your confidence and expert advise eased that feeling. Within 24 hours of retaining your services and giving you the requested information my wife’s wage garnishment had been STOPPED. What a relief!

Stephen N.
"ITS was quick to respond and resolve my issues."

Great operation. Professional, knowledgeable and accommodating. Couldn’t have imagined a better experience, considering the situation. ITS was quick to respond and resolve my issues.

Kelly & Howard T.
"I would highly recommend them to anyone that needs help!"

I called to discuss some serious tax issues and from my very first phone call, this team was terrific. They were courteous, professional and quick to deliver. Instant Tax Solutions far-exceeded any expectations that I had. They turned our situation around very quickly. I would highly recommend them to anyone that needs help with the IRS.

Armando & Sofia M.
"Within 48 hours of contacting ITS, the levy was released..."

I received an IRS notice of a levy on my wages. Boy, was I scared. Within 48 hours of contacting ITS, the levy was released and now ITS is helping me to get caught up on unfiled returns. Thank you ITS!

Marcia and John K
" guys were simply great! Can't thank you enough."

This was the free consultation! Instant Tax Solutions spent over half an hour with me during my consultation. I was so impressed that my husband and I decided to sign immediately. From filing my back tax returns to settling my debt to the IRS and state of California, you guys were simply great! Can’t thank you enough. You guys are doing my taxes next year for sure!
